Our alliances
CFS is being made possible thanks to the generous support of:

CFS establishes its alliances following the Community of Practice model.
The sustainable finance community of practice is a network of actors that exchange knowledge, experiences and lessons to advance concrete practices and projects. Within the sustainable finance community of practice, the CFS represents the unifying agent, connecting the other actors in order to scale the practice of sustainable finance as a lever for initiatives aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Private sector
We work hand in hand with the following enterprises:

National and public sector
We have partnered with different public institutions to coordinate efforts:

Bilateral agencies
We work with the following bilateral agencies:

Think tanks and initiatives
We promote joint research with different Think Tanks:

Multilateral agencies
Among our allies are the following multilateral agencies:

International Forums
We take part in international forums with the following organizations:

Universities and educational institutions
We have partnered with the following universities globally: