Current projects
2023 - 2024
Policy Recommendations and Certification Scheme to Promote Sustainable Infrastructure in Colombia
- In partnership with Odinsa, John Laing, Isa, IDB, CAF, Corficolombiana, Macquarie, and FDN.
- Review of existing certifications/labels at a global level that define what is considered sustainable infrastructure in order to generate better information for investors interested in financing this type of asset.
Implications of a Just Energy Transition in the Colombian Oil and Gas Sector
- In collaboration with the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Faculty of Economics at the University of the Andes
- Assess the implications of a just energy transition in Colombia within the oil and gas sector, considering its impacts on government revenues and workers.
Decision-making Tools: Impact Investing versus Conventional ESG Investing
- To know in detail the resource allocation process, as well as the evaluation and monitoring of impact investment funds. It also seeks to identify the gaps in the methodologies used in conventional ESG investment funds in Colombia.
Financial closure analysis of energy valorization and solid waste recovery projects
- In collaboration with Fanalca and Ciudad Limpia.
- Financial evaluation of viable circular economy models by the development of "optimal" combinations of solid waste, infrastructure, technology and regulation using life cycle analysis and triple bottom line approach for Colombia.
Analysis of sustainable packaging materials
- In collaboration with Darnel.
- Build a portfolio and roadmap of materials that guarantee the highest conditions of recoverability using ESG analysis.
Preparing the public and financial sector for climate transition risk: capacity building and call to action
- 3rd phase of the UK PACT project.
- Training the Boards of Directors of financial institutions on climate risks and creating a Roundtable for the Just Energy Transition in the region of La Guajira and Cesar.
"Acercando la banca a los colombianos" Award
- In alliance with Asobancaria.
- Carried out the evaluation process of sustainability initiatives from banking institutions participating in this year's award program.
Driving circularity of urban solid waste
- In partnership with Fanalca and P4G.
- To catalyze Sustainable Management Centers (SMCs) in Colombia by creating a replicable business model in different regions of Colombia, prioritizing and evaluating technologies for the sustainable management of solid waste. Additionally, the project will develop a financial model that integrates environmental and social benefits and will analyze the necessary regulatory mechanisms to unlock the CGS.
Increased Polystyrene Recovery Rate
- In partnership with Ajover Darnel and the National Business Association of Colombia (ANDI).
- Experiment and evaluate the conditions under which the EPS recovery rate in the economy is increased.
Climate Transition Risks in Colombia
- In partnership with WTW and the National Planning Department (DNP), under the funding of the French Development Agency (AFD).
- Preparation of the first country-level assessment of climate transition risk. This study identified that Colombia faces an external transition risk of up to 27% of its GDP with between 25,000-30,000 jobs at risk.
Understanding and Managing Climate Transition Risk: Phase 2
- With the support of the UK PACT program and the collaboration of WTW and 2° Investing Initiative (2DII).
- Lead a consortium for applied research and training on climate transition risks with representatives from the financial sector, national and local public institutions.